I Went to PEI to Catch Up With Old Friends Before I Move

I did cross off another item on my days off last week, but I got home late on Thursday - and have been on the late shift at work this week - so I haven't had a chance to blog about it until now.

On Wednesday and Thursday I went to one of my favourite places in the Maritimes, Prince Edward Island, where I lived for four years while in university.

This trip was less of an adventure and more of an opportunity to go visit my friends who live in PEI before I move. As much as I really would love the chance to go and properly explore the parts of the Island that I haven't seen, every time I'm over there I have to take the opportunity to see people that I can't otherwise see. Initially I had only intended on going over for the day, but fortunately I turned it into an overnight visit because I crammed in so many visits with people that I definitely couldn't have done it just in a day.

I left home on Wednesday morning and headed straight to my friend Alicia's house in Cornwall. We went to Casa Mia in Charlottetown for brunch, and then we went to the beach for the afternoon. We had wanted to drive up to Thunder Cove beach, but based on how long it would take to drive there we opted to drive to Tracadie instead so that we could actually enjoy more than like 45 minutes on the beach. I think that was my first actual beach trip of the summer, and the weather was sunnier than forecast so it was a great afternoon.

After the beach, I drove up to Kensington to see my friend Steph, who moved into a new house last year and said I could stay any time I came to visit. Her boyfriend Chad cooked a barbecue and we just had a chill evening catching up and playing with her hyper-but-adorable puppy Sparkles.

On Thursday morning I had agreed to drive Alicia to the oral surgeon because she had to get some teeth extracted and couldn't drive herself home after. Once she was safely home, I went to the Charlottetown Mall for a little bit (because the Urban Planet in there always has the best bargains) and then I met up with my old friend Eric for a coffee in Starbucks.

In the afternoon, I drove around the north shore for a little while before heading back towards the Confederation Bridge. I met my friend James in Borden-Carleton for dinner and then I drove home after we'd eaten.

So, a busy trip but a successful one in that I got to visit everyone I wanted to visit. I absolutely love PEI and it's just a shame there's that damn toll on the bridge otherwise I'd definitely be over there more often. Next fall I'll be back to visit the Island for Alicia's wedding, but until then, thanks for the wonderful memories PEI.

A final trip to PEI: check.

This is Sparkles and she is beautiful
