Our Walking Tour on Oak Island - and Other August Adventures

My apologies for the fact that this post is about 10 days too late, but I have been so busy lately that whenever I've had some spare time I've just wanted to sit and relax rather than sit at my laptop writing!

I've had quite a few adventures since going to Peggy's Cove at the beginning of August that I haven't had the chance to write about. The first one was a trip to Oak Island on Aug. 11.

My parents and I have been fans of the History Channel show The Curse of Oak Island for a while, and since the island itself is so close by, we've always wanted to visit. During the summers, in between filming, there is a company that offers walking tours of the island and I've been eyeing them up for a while now.

The tickets for these tours always go on sale in March so I've always thought it would make a great birthday present for my parents (whose birthdays are in March and April), but I've never had any luck with getting tickets because they go so quickly. This year - my third year attempting to buy them - I was sat at my computer the minute they went on sale, and I was finally able to get some. Good thing, because this year the tickets for the entire summer sold out in an incredible six minutes.

The tour itself was a little over two hours long. We got tickets for the afternoon tour to allow us enough time to get there since it's about a three and a half hour drive, but it did make for a very long day as we left the house at about 9 a.m., stopped for lunch just before getting to the island, got there just about half an hour before the tour started, and drove home immediately after the tour was finished, finally getting home just before 9 p.m. So poor Darcy had a long day at home on his own.

We really enjoyed the tour. Charles Barkhouse, who is the local historian on the show, was the one who actually did the tour, so we learned a lot about the island's history, and learned a number of things about things that are never discussed on the show. As he said early on in the tour, there are a number of non-treasure-related theories about the island, but "you'll never hear a non-treasure theory on the show."

So we really enjoyed our trip to Oak Island even though it made for a busy day.

Earlier this month, we also spent an evening on the other side of the Bay, going to Johnson's Mills to check out the shorebirds. I had never been to the interpretive centre over there and my Mum had never seen a fling of sandpipers at all, so we went to visit. Unfortunately we didn't see too many birds because a peregrine falcon soon came along and scared them all off but we did see a fling or two, and I was really surprised at the number of people that were there. I do have a shorebird video in the works, I have just had to add some footage of them at the Rocks in there since we didn't see many (and since I had about three videos on the go at the same time it got demoted to the bottom of the pile.)

On my days off last week I went down to the Saint John area to check out a couple of spots that I'd seen on Instagram. About 20 minutes from Saint John there is a beautiful, quiet black sand beach. New Brunswick is not somewhere you would typically expect to find a black sand beach as they are usually created by volcanic activity, so this was a little hidden gem. There was also a hiking trail behind the beach that offered some absolutely spectacular views.

Near to Black Beach is Musquash Head Lighthouse which I also went to visit. I ran into a hiker whilst I was out who had come from another trail further down the road which brings you to the lighthouse - I wish I had known that because it would probably have been a spectacular hike, whereas I just walked down a dirt road to get there. But the views at the edge of the cliffs by the lighthouse were absolutely phenomenal. I can't even explain how beautiful this spot was. You really should go visit it for yourself. And, again, it was a really quiet spot, even in the middle of August.

So it's been a busy month so far. As the summer is winding down, our hours at work are changing and soon I will be back to working five-day weeks which will mean slightly fewer adventures. But until then, I do have another couple planned. On Sunday I am going to the Fundy Trail with my friend Denise - we had planned on going last Sunday but we rescheduled after the absolute downpour in the morning - and early in September I am heading to Burntcoat Head as there are some extreme high tides at the start of next month.

Still many adventures to be had! Oak Island: check.

Oak Island was stunning, something I wasn't really expecting

The cliffs at Musquash Head are incredible

Here are my recent trips in video form:
