My Epic Maritimes Bucket List Summer

Many people already know this, because I have by no means been keeping it a secret, but for anyone who doesn't know yet: after living in Canada for 10 years, I have decided to move back to England at the end of the year.

Without diving too much into the personal reasons behind my decision, this is something I've thought about doing for a long time now - I first toyed with the idea back in my second year of university (which was six years ago, whoa) but ultimately always thought it would be too expensive for me to do so. Well, turns out I can afford to, and if not now, then when? I'm so excited to move back to where I grew up and to be able to spend more time with family and childhood friends.

That's not to say that I don't love living in Canada. I do - I think it's a beautiful country and I wish I'd had the chance to explore more of it while I've been here, but I'll save my rants about how expensive Canadian airfare is for another time.

For several years now, I have made a list at the start of each summer of things I'd like to do, but ultimately have never ended up crossing more than one or two things off the list. Well, since this year is my last chance to cross anything off the list, I'm planning on having an action-packed summer to see all these wonderful places that I live so close to but have yet to visit.

So here are some of the items on my Maritimes summer bucket list, in no particular order:

  • Peggy's Cove - I went to Peggy's Cove a couple of times before even moving to Canada, but I haven't been since and I think a trip is overdue.
  • Tidal Bore Rafting in Nova Scotia - Given that I work with the Bay of Fundy tides, this is something I've wanted to do for a while but haven't gotten around to doing.
  • Oak Island - For three years I've tried to get tickets to an Oak Island tour and this year was the first year I was successful.
  • Mount Carleton - Climbing to the top of Mount Carleton has been at the top of my list for several summers, but since it's about five hours away it's never been done. Hoping to fix that this summer.
  • Kouchibouguac National Park - This one isn't even that far from me, but for some reason I've never been.
  • Fundy Trail - I just love the Fundy Trail and will take any excuse to visit.
  • Explore PEI's north shore - I lived in PEI for four years and yet I've somehow never explored much of the north shore, so I'd love to change that.
  • Burntcoat Head - I feel like I have to see the highest tide in the world at least once.
There are a few others places that I'd like to see, but just don't know if I'll have time to squeeze everything in. Of course, I'll be spending the summer once again at the Hopewell Rocks, so even on the days that I'm working I'll be spending my time at one of the best places in New Brunswick (nay, Canada).

I will try my best to blog about every trip I make, but will also be vlogging all of my adventures and posting a video for each stop to try and encourage everyone else to check out all these wonderful spots in Atlantic Canada! Hopefully you join me for the ride!

I might be biased, but this will always be my favourite spot in Canada ❤️
