Jan 5: Amsterdam to Geneva to Montreux

I didn't end up blogging yesterday because it was later than I thought it would be by the time I got back to my room, and I wanted to get to sleep as soon as possible because I had to be up at 5am this morning to head to the airport.

Somehow, I managed to do even more walking yesterday than I did the day before. Which is weird, because I'm trying to think back on what I did, and it doesn't feel like I did nearly as much. But, apparently I somehow still managed to walk over 11 miles/ 25,000 steps.

I didn't rush too much yesterday morning to allow myself to relax a bit, but I didn't sleep great in the hostel I stayed at so that was pretty pointless because I was still pretty tired all day.

I started my morning heading to a cookie shop that had been highly recommended to me by Mel and Alex. Like, so highly recommended that they wanted me to bring some home. This little cookie shop literally only makes one kind of cookie - chocolate with a big chunk of white chocolate in the middle. It was really good, and the shop was a little out of my way so I probably burned off some of the cookie just walking there and back.

It was about 11:30am when I ate that cookie so it kind of threw off my eating schedule for the day, so at lunchtime I headed to Body Worlds. It's basically a science museum all about the human body - there are different exhibitions about each of the body's different functions and there are plastinated bodies throughout the museum which was fascinating.

I think I spent close to three hours there because it was really interesting. After that I took a quick walk to the roof of the NEMO Science Centre which you can just access from the street, and can look out over the entire city.

Last evening I went to the Van Gogh Museum which was also super interesting. The thing that stuck out most in my mind though was that his Starry Night painting was nowhere to be found. The physical painting is in New York at the MoMA, but there wasn't even any mention of it anywhere in the museum. It wasn't mentioned in any of the timelines of his paintings and you couldn't buy a print of it in the gift shop. It's like they were trying to pretend it didn't exist because it's like the one Van Gogh painting they didn't have.

That was my last day in Amsterdam, and this morning I flew to Geneva, and then took the train to Monteux. I'm here for a couple of nights but don't have quite as much planned while I'm here, so I'm hoping to do a bit of relaxing and therefore will let you know all about Montreux when I blog tomorrow night!

Here's a few pics from my time in Amsterdam:

The view from the top of NEMO

Strolling through the city

Ice rink at Museumplein

THE cookie

Plastinated body at Body Worlds
