Dec 29: ...15 days later

OK, I haven't been very on top of this blogging thing. I said I would be letting everyone know what I was getting up to while I was in the UK and this is my first blog post since I actually arrived well over two weeks ago.

In my defence, I don't feel like I've been doing anything majorly exciting and worthy of blogging about because I've been mainly spending time with family and doing things in Norwich. And while that would probably be quite interesting to some of you, me going out and about in a city I lived in for 14 years doesn't seem particularly noteworthy from my perspective. Things will get much more exciting over the next week.

But, nonetheless, this is some of what I've been up to.

First things first, I had a lovely Christmas with Mel, Alex and Sophie. This was Sophie's second Christmas and probably the first one where she was really aware that something was going on so it was lovely to be a part of it.

The first weekend that I arrived I got to catch up with some of my friends and look at all the photos from my friend's wedding that I came over for in September. This is the first time I've been over to visit where it hasn't felt like a lifetime since I last saw them, which was a really nice feeling.

The other day, Mel and I took Sophie to the pantomime which was so fun. Mel got the tickets for us for Christmas and toyed with the idea of tickets for the main panto in Norwich, but ended up getting tickets for "My First Panto" which is specifically designed for two- to five-year-olds and we all thought it was brilliant. It was interactive for all the kids and even Sophie was happy to sit there for the whole thing (probably wouldn't have happened at the main pantomime).

Yesterday Mel and I had a bit of a pamper session at Float in Norwich where we had an hour-long session in a flotation tank. The hour went by crazy quick which made me think I fell asleep, but I actually think I was in such a deep state of meditation that it was like I was sleeping. Then we went out for sushi after, which I always love.

Of course, we've done lots of other things over the last two weeks but I'm sure you don't want a literal day-by-day account of what I've been doing. It's nice to think that usually after having been here for a couple of weeks I would be heading home soon, but instead I still have a couple of weeks left.

Next week is when the real excitement starts and my blogging will probably be more frequent then. On Wednesday afternoon I head down to London for an early flight from Stansted to Amsterdam on Thursday. I'm there for a couple of nights, then I fly to Geneva, get the train to Montreux, stay there for a couple of nights, head back to Geneva for a night, then fly back to London for a bonus night there before I head back to Norwich for Sophie's second birthday. I'm a little bit nervous to be travelling on my own (mainly regarding the language barrier I will likely encounter in Switzerland) but I'm super excited.

I'll check in soon! Here's a couple of snaps in the meantime.
