Dec 10: Moncton to Toronto to London

If you're reading this, then I'm gonna assume you know me personally, because how else would you have ended up reading this blog? If that's the case then chances are you probably follow me on some form of social media - be it Facebook, Instagram or Twitter - and therefore you've probably seen me posting about my upcoming travels.

I decided I would try and blog my travels for a number of reasons. One is very simply that I'm going to be gone for a long time and I think my Mum would like to know what I'm up to, lol. Another is that I have some really cool things planned while I'm away, and also that I simply haven't had the chance to really write much for a long time. I'm also hoping to make some videos while I'm away so you can see all the things I get up to - although I don't know how timely they will be as I only have my phone with me, so these written blogs can do for the meantime.

If you know me well then you probably know that 2018 has been a fairly crappy year for me. Without getting into too many personal details, late in the summer I made the decision that I was going to take the winter off (since I work seasonally and have this option) to work on my mental health. At first, I thought about going to England for the entire winter to spend time with my sister and her family. I realized fairly quickly that staying with them for the entire winter might be overstaying my welcome a little bit, but I decided I would at least go and visit for Christmas and stay for a while, at least until my niece Sophie's second birthday in January.

Every time I go to England, I consider the possibility of going travelling around Europe since it's so cheap to get from country to country once you're over there. This seemed like the perfect opportunity to do so since time is not an issue and it's not like I only have a certain amount of time off work. I mentioned this idea to my sister over dinner back in September when I was over for my best friend's wedding and said my plans might not end up as grand as I would like because I didn't want to spend a ridiculous amount of money. Mel pointed out that this could be a once in a lifetime opportunity to do something like this and that I should just go for it and worry about the money later. Since she spent 12 years as an accountant, I took her advice very seriously (and if you know Mel, you might be shocked that she even said this, much like my parents were).

So, here I am. As I write this I am currently sitting at my gate at the airport in Toronto waiting for my flight to Gatwick. It's the 10th of December, and I don't return to Canada until January 16th. In between now and then I have my first Christmas in Norwich in 10 years to look forward to, and I will be making trips to the Netherlands and Switzerland before I return. I can't wait, and if you want to see what I'm up to then I'll be trying to write these as often as I can, please feel free to follow along with my adventures.

See you later, Canada.

 I'm flying WestJet to the UK for the first time

I have to say I think this is the smallest plane I've ever been in

Moncton from above 


  1. Bye, Ally...have a wonderful vacation!

  2. I'm looking forward to reading this, as can't be there myself, safe travels! It's a wonderful opportunity for you. Love Mum x

  3. More blog!.....Enjoy your travels


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